• +91-8562812093
  • [email protected]
  • Pani ki Tanki, Shastri Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302016
  • Principal


    Principal’s Welcome

    On the road to success, the rule is always to look ahead.
    Raj Shree Public School is run with the vision to help the children to foster all-round personality development. It runs under aegis of Shri B.L. Jain Memorial society, located in the center heart at Shastri Nagar the school has a sprawling campus and latest infrastructure is an ideal temple of learning for the children of today to transform them into the global citizens of tomorrow.
    State of the art methods and strategies are adopted for teaching emphasizing conceptual and practical learning thus making an ideal environment and give individual attention.
    The focus is on child so that education becomes a joyful, happy and rewarding experience. We believe given proper guidance, encouragement and motivation each student can becomes a flier.
    The entire purpose of education is not to restrict itself to imparting bookish knowledge only but also to inculcate humanitarian values like wisdom , compassion, courage, humility, integrity and reliability in student. We, just like you , believe in holistic education for child, encompassing – academics, co-curricular activities, sports education and life –skills learning. Our endeavor is to strike a balance between state of the art infrastructure and an internationally acceptable education.. The campus, sports and academic facilities all bear testimony to this effort. I hope that these visions are not to be held alone. They indeed to be shared and we need to prove that “Unity” the greatest strength, darkness of ignorance be wiped out, enlightening every single soul……..
    Speedy growth and elevation of the school is the outcome of the trust and confidence, reposed in us by the parents, with regard to quality education, being imparted to their wards. The provision to issue progress report is applied to the students of all classes as it is beneficial in evaluating their progress academically as well as in co-scholastic activities. The students are, therefore required to be regular, punctual and sincere towards their studies, during the entire session.
    The staff of Raj Shree Public School works with great dedication, co-operation and co-ordination and inculcates in their children a love for our culture and Nation. Their approach is practical and pragmatic by tempering justice with mercy, discipline with passion and sternness with love. The teachers are punctual and pleasant, active and disciplined, caring and compassionate, just and full of zest. School has succeeded in providing quality education to its pupils based on spiritual principle, personal and social value, mutual love and respect for fellow being.
    We understand the fact that children need special care, motivation and affection so as to develop their innate qualities and talent. We hence provide them play-way and practical techniques, in a jovial environment. Montessori trained and primary teachers of proven ability and pleasing temperament deal with these children, creating in them curiosity, develop their learning power and discipline in life. In the senior classes, we put every effort to assist our student to graduate successfully and be an asset to the society. We also provide the environment which is conducive to learning.
    Our school director herself gives personal attention to each and every student, whose class and home-work copies are thoroughly updated and checked in order to evaluate the progress in each subject and raise the standard to the desired level of competency. Extra and remedial classes, absolutely free of any charge, are also conducted by the teachers to help the students to make up their deficiencies. Result of our students in the Board examination of Class X and class XII has always been quite satisfactory- over 90% successes.
    We seek cooperation and confidence of the parents which inspires us to impart excellent education to their wards and infuse moral values and high sense of discipline in them.

    Mr Animesh Jain, Principal